

Back Tripes About the ‘Tripes’ (greek for: holes) Series : Marble, in this environment is constrained by outside forces, rules and properties. The sculptor takes a delimited block of Marble, and drills randomly from bottom to top. The ‘Tripes’...
Pebbles – ta botsala

Pebbles – ta botsala

Back Pebbles – ta botsala 1st of ” Pebbles – ta botsala ” series : Zig Zag , Ricochet’life style, 10 * 5 * 49 cm, Naxos Marble 2nd of ” Pebbles – ta botsala ” series : Primitif , 10 * 8 * 53 cm, Naxos marble 3rd of...
Pixie Cup

Pixie Cup

Back Pixie Cup About the Pixie Cup : The Pixie Cup is a cellular organism where the cells duplicates themselves , grows in a way,giving name to the morphology of the organism.The structure evolves in a matter of time, energy and communication. Like any alive organism...